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AHA Community > Health & Wellbeing  > My Gratitude Exercise – Full Disclosure

My Gratitude Exercise – Full Disclosure

How many times have you heard the word ‘gratitude’ lately? It seems like it’s on everyone’s lips and I’m afraid this is why it has actually lost its powerful meaning. We say the word, but do we actually internalize it? Do we know what it really means?

How many of us actually allow space to experience, acknowledge and actually feeeeeel gratitude in its great, transformative power?

Where there is gratitude, there is no room for resentment, anger, hate or sadness. As romantic and cliché as it sounds, when you shine the light of gratitude into your heart, ALL the darkness dissipates (pinky-promise). You can’t be grateful and angry at the same time.

Last evening I was at Kits beach in Vancouver in a restaurant called Boathouse, with Mr. Husband and my cousin, looking at the beach, ocean and mountains and waiting for our fish & chips. My heart was filled with gratitude and, as always when that happens, I put my hands together in front of my heart, closed my eyes, took a deep breath and thanked the Universe for this precious moment. It felt uplifting. And by associating this intense feeling to the situation, I know I’ve created a memory. A wonderful memory, which I locked into my “wonderful memory drawer”. So bonus: gratitude helps you to be present.

Gratitude is a feeling that has one of the highest vibrations (very close to love). High vibration states make you take inspired action and leads to manifesting your desires, i.e. makes your desires come true! It is literally like magic and, breaking news, you are the magician in this set-up! How awesome is that?

I’m very sure you’ve felt gratitude, on the first day of vacation when you were a kid or when you got your dream job or when a dear one recovered from sickness or when your friend got you the most thoughtful gift or when your child was born. It is a sweet, light and heavenly pleasant state. When you vibrate at gratitude frequency, even the strongest bothers, worries and sorrows seem lighter, as you become more resourceful. You experience life at a whole new level. This is just powerful!

So let’s practice gratitude, it’s sooo simple and accessible anytime you feel overwhelmed by thoughts or feelings that don’t serve you.

I have a theory that says: only focus on the things you are genuinely grateful for. I know I have things I SHOULD be grateful for (at least according to public opinion), but I AM NOT. For the longest time this has brought me feelings of guilt, self-doubt and anger at myself, which are very low vibration feelings and… totally uncomfortable to live with. Nevertheless, this is a discussion for another time, but the main take-away is: make it simple, focus on the things it’s easy for you to feel grateful for.


These are mine with full disclosure. I am grateful for

My people

  • My two grandmas, some of the most wonderful people and the best grandmas in the world, who remained best friends even after my parents divorced – how incredible is that? One is the most positive, optimistic, funny and full of energy woman I know, who laughs out loud almost all the time and has helped out every single being around her. The other is the grandma from the stories, patient, calm, religious, kind, loving, providing a homey feeling to anything she touches.
  • My mom, whose life has revolved around me ever since I opened my eyes on this earth, who has never left my side, especially when I was going through the toughest times of my life. Oh, how hard it must have been for her and… she still loves me, hahahaaa.
  • My dad, who has taught me so many great things and has guided me in the most non-intrusive way. Only now, growing up, I find out just how valuable his advice and direction has been and how it has shaped my life.
  • Mr. Husband, who is the most loving, understanding, kind, PATIENT, funny, good-looking Mr. Husband in the world. And he cooks yummiliciously, too.
  • Mr. Husband’s parents and grandma, who have shown me so much love, understanding and unconditional support and have included me as part of the family since I was 2 years old.
  • My extended family, who are simply adorable, the most lovable people in the world and for our yearly gathering in May, which is one of the most recharging events of my entire year.
  • My teachers and mentors. I aim to give back at least as much as you’ve given me.
  • My FRIENDS! You know who you are and you know how much I love and need you. You shine light in my life and bring me immense amount of joy.

My body

  • My arms and legs. I work in a hospital and see so many people with in wheelchairs, with disabilities or that are missing a limb…
  • Being able to move, dance, do yoga, carry my body through life.
  • Being able to see, hear, smell, taste & feel, i.e. experiencing the world around me… living life.
  • My health, my strong body, my immune system.
  • The absence of pain and the moments I feel light in my body.
  • My body’s patience and endurance through the moments I mistreat it and do not accept and love it.


  • The sound of waves hitting the shore (gives me goooooose bumps), the ocean breeze and the feeling of warm sand under my feet.
  • The sun through the leaves and the blue sky at grandma’s house at the country side.
  • Petting Rasta the Cat (#rastacatsta) when his purring.
  • All the baby giraffes, otters, dolphins, sloths, lamas and golden retrievers of this world.
  • The taste of ripe cherries.

Everything else

  • The beautiful people that were, are and will come into my life.
  • The love that was, is and will be in my life.
  • For all the learning opportunities, hard and easy.
  • For all the moments when I feel aligned.
  • For the moments I have the feeling of being HOME.


Hmm… this list is longer than I thought, but, it feels sooo good!


You can be much more specific than I am, by saying you are grateful for:

  • Your carpet
  • The shoes you bought from Barcelona
  • The fact that your favorite soccer team won
  • Alexa
  • Having time to read a book in silence
  • The internet
  • aaanything that really shines gratitude in your heart, that makes you lighter, that gives you that sweet feeling – what is it that you are grateful for?


Lastly, how many times has it turned out that a seemingly ‘bad’ experience was just an opportunity for you to grow into a revolutionized version of you? Well… thank those moments, events and people, send gratitude to them. Did you know you can send gratitude in the past?


What you appreciate, appreciates.

What you focus on, expands.


Diana Firican

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