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Are You Really Lazy? – 6 Ways to Get Out of (What We Call) Procrastination

One of the biggest complaints I hear from my friends is that they set goals and don’t achieve them. The word procrastination is on everyone’s lips. We’re kind of wearing it out.I am lucky to be surrounded by smart, talented, driven, experienced, knowledgeable, capable people who want to change the world, yet they stumble upon what we call procrastination.If I...

Top 5 cele mai bune carti despre relatii – Traieste o viata de cuplu implinita

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Aceste top 5 carti iti ofera o privire de ansamblu asupra relatiei de cuplu. Te vor schimba pe tine, iti vor transforma relatia si iti vor implini viata. Sunt minunate!   De ce doar 5? Pentru ca suntem ocupati si bombardati constant cu continut de tot felul. Mai bine sa mergem pe ce e validat, relevant si bun.   Iata recomandarile mele:   Nonviolent Communication:...

My Top 5 Best Relationship Books – Live a Happier Life in a More Fulfilled Relationship

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]These top 5 relationship books offer a well-rounded insight into fulfilled relationships. Reading them will change you, your relationship and ultimately your life. For the best!   Why only 5? Because we are busy and bombarded with content. Better keep it short and good.   Here they are:   Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships by Marshall B. Rosenberg -...

Workshop special pentru tine: Imbunatateste-ti relatia de cuplu in 90 de zile

Workshop intre fete la un ceai Imbunatateste-ti Relatia de Cuplu in 90 de Zile Marti, 21 mai, 19:00 - 21:30, Lente Lahovari   De ce sa vii la workshop? Vino sa stam in cerc si sa vorbim ca fetele, sa impartasim ce merge si ce nu merge in relatiile noastre de cuplu si mai ales sa aflam  strategii inedite prin care iti vei transforma relatia...

Arta de a lua decizii – 1 exercitiu esential cand esti in fata unei decizii importante

Nu stiu daca a trebuit vreodata sa iei vreo decizie importanta… HA HA HAAA! Bineinteles ca a trebuit si bineinteles ca va mai trebui. Poate chiar acum te afli la rascruce de drumuri, in situatia sa iei o decizie importanta, care are “greutatea” de a defini viata ta de acum incolo. Nu ma refer la decizia intre latte sau cappuccino, cizmele...