Save your day with the SAVERS – 6 habits for an awesome day!
I hear people saying all the time they woke up 'on the wrong side of the bed'. I suggest not to let your morning into the hands of hazard, but rather make it depend 100% on you! Yeah, I too have days, when I wake up and can’t wait for it to be night again, BUT I have some super-powerful practices that...
Iubirea de sine miroase a levantica si ylang-ylang (5 conceptii gresite despre iubirea de sine)
De ce a levantica si ylang-ylang? Pentru ca levantica linisteste si calmeaza, iar ylang-ylang da energie. A te iubi pe tine iti ofera o combinatie de pace interioara cu vitalitate si pofta de viata. A te iubi pe tine inseamna decizii bune si inspiratie sa-ti transformi dorintele in realitate. Cand te iubesti pe tine atragi oameni spre tine, esti un exemplu...
Self-love smells like lavender & ylang-ylang (5 myths about self-love)
Why like lavender and ylang-ylang? Because the lavender calms you down and ylang-ylang gives you energy. Loving yourself gives you a combination of inner peace with vitality and joy for life. Self-love means good decisions and inspiration to transform your desires into reality. When you love yourself you are attractive, you are seen as a role-model and people seek your presence. Doesn’t...
May your meditation be easy (3 unexpected tricks)
Now that I’ve convinced you (for good!) how beneficial it is to meditate and busted the limiting myths around meditation in a previous post, your have no excuse… “That’s what you think, Diana!” I’m joking, of course, because we usually need some time to establish a new habit. Some say 21 days, others, the more cautious ones, say 28 days. I say (because...
Sa-ti fie meditatia usoara (3 trucuri neasteptate)
Daca tot te-am convins (definitiv si irevocabil) cat de benefic este sa meditezi si am desfiintat miturile limitative despre meditatie in articolul anterior, nu mai ai nicio scuza sa nu incepi...
I can’t meditate! (Good news: 3 myths about meditation – busted)
“I can't meditate! I find it impossible to stay still and to think about… nothing (!)… for 30 minutes per day. This is only meant for the yogi on his mountain!” Yes, I totally get you! For me too, when thinking about meditation, the following image would come to mind: a levitating yogi, wrapped in a bed sheet, in lotus pose with...
Nu pot sa meditez! (Vesti bune: 3 mituri neadevarate despre meditatie)
“Nu pot sa meditez! Imi este imposibil sa stau nemiscat(a) si sa ma gandesc la… nimic (!)… timp de 30 minute pe zi. Asta e doar pentru yoginul din varful muntelui!” Da, te inteleg perfect! Si mie, cand ma gandeam la meditatie, imi aparea la comanda in minte imaginea unui yoghin invelit intr-un cearsaf, in pozitie lotus, cu degetul mare si cel...