How much do you love yourself? 6 signs that not enough (Part 2)
Hi there! This is Part 2 of the article. If you didn't get a chance to read Part 1, please go here. If you already went over the first 3 of the signs that you don't love yourself enough, here are the promised last 3: You find it hard (if not impossible) to say “no” … even if it’s not what...
Tu cat te iubesti pe tine? 6 semne ca nu destul (Partea I)
Cat te iubesti pe tine pe o scare de la 1 la 10? … Eu, acum ceva timp: “Poate 4,5 – 5?”. Nu vreau sa presupun nimic despre tine, dar eu, trecand prin testul de mai jos, imi dau seama ca inca mai am de lucrat. Partea buna e ca acum lucrez cu o alta “vibratie” si anume ca stiu ca...
How much do you love yourself? 6 signs that not enough (Part 1)
How much do you love yourself on a scale from 1 to 10? … Me, some time ago: “Maybe 4.5-5?”. I don’t want to make assumption about you, but myself, going through the test below, I notice that I still need to work on this. The good news is that ow I work with a different “vibe”, i.e. I know now...
Are sweets your weakness? (5 steps to get rid of sweets)
I know, the photo is decadent...
Dulciurile sunt slabiciunea ta? (5 pasi cum sa scapi de dulciuri)
Stiu, poza e decadenta...
O dimineata castigatoare (14 obiceiuri pentru o zi de succes)
Ziua buna se cunoaste de dimineataaa, oh yeah! Oricat de moale, fara motivatie sau cu ochii lipiti te-ai trezit, daca ai obiceiuri invingatoare la indemana (vezi si articolul despre "salvatorii diminetii"), te setezi pentru succes zi dupa zi. Imagineaza-ti doar cum e sa fii la maxim de potential in fiecare zi! Practic.. lumea e a ta. OK, eu sunt mai exagerata...
A winning morning (14 habits for a successful day)
A good day starts in the morning, oh yeah! No matter how tired, demotivated or with the eyes stuck together you wake up, if you have a winner’s habits, you set yourself up for success day after day. Just picture yourself at your maximum potential every day! Basically… the world is yours! (Also check the article about the miracle morning...
Yoga helps you lose weight (5 ways I’m sure you haven’t thought about)
I keep hearing (nice) people saying that yoga doesn’t help with weight loss. Besides the fact that it depends a lot on the type of yoga (power, hatha, yin/ deep stretch, in heated or non-heated room, etc.), there are some common features of all types of yoga, which help you more or less directly to lose weight. OK… maybe not...
Yoga te ajuta sa slabesti (5 moduri la care precis nu te asteptai!)
Tot aud carcotasi (dragalasi) care spun ca yoga nu te ajuta la slabit. Pe langa faptul ca depinde foarte mult de tipul de yoga (power, hatha, yin/ deep stretch, in camera incalzita sau nu, etc.), exista niste trasaturi comune ale tuturor felurilor de yoga, care te ajuta mai mult sau mai putin direct sa slabesti. OK...
Salveaza-ti ziua cu SAVERS – 6 obiceiuri pentru o zi traznet!
Tot aud 'cine se scoala de dimineata departe ajunge'...