The art of making decisions – 1 essential technique to use when you are facing a big decision
I’m not sure if you ever had to make a tough decision… HA HA HAAA! No doubt you had to and no doubt you will have to in the future. Maybe you’re at a crossroad right now, put in the situation to make an important decision, which may define your life from now on. I am not referring to decisions between...
Thank you for the food – Short and effective gratitude exercise to enhance your eating experience
Yum-yum If you’re anything like me, you love food. Food is like a hobby and the source of many pleasurable sensations. Oh, right now I wish for some delicious omelette with green onion and feta cheese… or warm vegetable cream soup… or a juicy burger… Nom-nom On the other hand, it happens quite often that I sit at my laptop and at lunch...
Saru’-mana pentru masa – Scurt exercitiu eficient de recunostinta pentru ca mancarea sa fie mai gustoasa
Miam-miam Daca semeni vreun pic cu mine, atunci iti place sa mananci. Iubesti mancarea, este un hobby si sursa de multa sentimente frumoase. Ah, ce-ar merge un grisulet cu lapte… sau un omleta cu ceapa verde si branza feta… sau o supa crema de legume… sau un burger siropos… Hap-hap Pe de alta parte, mi se intampla des sa ma asez la...
Respira si fa fata distractiei – Schimba-ti starea cu 3 respiratii
Stai, stai, nu citi, nu citi inca. Observa-ti starea: Ce e acolo? Agitatie? Un pic de stress? Poate oboseala? Nerabdare si entuziasm? … sau simpla relaxare? Inchide ochii si observa. Acum, … Relaxeaza umerii si gatul, caci acolo te incarci toate greutatile vietii Relaxeaza muschii fetei si maxilarul inferior, pentru ca acolo strangi tot ce nu vrei sa lasi sa iasa...
Breathe and have a blast – Change your state with just 3 breaths
Wait, wait, don’t read just yet! Notice your state: What’s there? Restlessness? A little bit of stress? Maybe tiredness? Lack of patience or enthusiasm? … or mere relaxation? Close your eyes and observe. Now, … Relax the shoulders and the neck; they’ve been carrying the weight of a lot of problems. Relax your facial muscles and the jaw, where you’ve clenched...
De ce relatiile sunt esentiale si e nevoie sa investesti in ele
In afara de situatia in care traiesti intr-o pestera – ceea ce nu e cazul avand in vedere ca ai internet si citesti aceste randuri – orice ai face, oriunde ai fi sau in orice ai crede, esti inconjurat(a) de oameni, cu care stabilesti relatii… de la soferul din masina de langa tine de la stop, doamna de la supermarket,...
Why relationships are essential and why you should invest in them
Unless you live on top of the mountain in a cave - which you are not because you have access to internet and are reading this post - no matter what you do, where you are or come from and what you believe in, you are surrounded by people, with whom you establish relationships...
11 pasi pentru a crea o rutina zilnica de exercitii
Nu exista niciun dubiu ca activitatea fizica e esentiala pentru sanatatea ta. Nu exista niciun specialist care sa spuna: nu face sport, nu e bine pentru tine, cu exceptia cazului in care e vorba de o afectiune si trebuie sa ai grija. Dar chiar si in majoritatea acelor cazuri, exista tipuri de exercitii care pot fi ajustate la ‘limitarile’ corpului...
11 steps to establish a daily workout routine
There is no argue about the fact that physical movement is essential for your health. There is no specialist who says: do not do exercise, it’s bad for you, unless you have a condition and you need to be careful. But even in most of those cases, there is a type of exercise that can be adjusted to the body’s...
Ai obiceiuri bune? – De ce obiceiurile reduc semnificativ stresul si cum sa creezi unul nou
“Putem folosi puterea de decizie pentru a alege obiceiurile pe care dorim sa le formam, vointa sa incepem obiceiul, si apoi – iar aceasta e cea mai frumoasa parte – sa lasam forta extraordinara a obiceiului sa preia fraiele. In acel moment, suntem liberi de nevoia de a decide si de nevoie de a folosi vointa.” – Gretchen Rubin Obiceiurile au...