Do you have good habits? – Why habits significantly reduce stress and how to create a new one
“We can use decision-making to choose the habits we want to form, use willpower to get the habit started, then – and this is the best part – we can allow the extraordinary power of habit to take over. At that point, we’re free from the need to decide and the need to use willpower.” – Gretchen Rubin Habits have become...
My shower meditation – wash off the bad stuff
... and replace it with the good stuff! The morning shower is one of my favourite moments of the day. Following the workout, it gives me the relaxation that I need (and I feel I deserve) and the peace before a full day. Ohhh... Now that we’re here, before I actually go into the topic I promised, I will share 3 shower...
Meditatia mea din dus – Cele rele sa se spele…
... cele bune sa se-adune! Dusul de dimineata e unul din momentele mele preferate ale zilei. Urmand workout-ului, imi ofera relaxarea de care am nevoie (si pe care am eu impresia ca o merit) si linistea dinaintea unei zile pline. Aaah... Ca sa nu scap ocazia, o sa furisez 3 mici trucuri, inainte sa trec la subiectul promis (nu ma pot abtine): ...
Exercitiul meu de recunostinta – In toata splendoarea
De cate ori nu ai auzit cuvantul “recunostinta” in ultima vreme? Mi se pare ca e pe buzele tuturor, ca e “trendy” si ca din acest motiv si-a pierdut din pacate importanta. Rostim cuvantul, dar internalizam intelesul? Stim ce inseamna de fapt? Cati dintre noi lasam loc pentru a simti cu adevarat recunostinta in toata puterea ei transformatoare? Unde e recunostinta, nu...
My Gratitude Exercise – Full Disclosure
How many times have you heard the word ‘gratitude’ lately? It seems like it’s on everyone’s lips and I’m afraid this is why it has actually lost its powerful meaning. We say the word, but do we actually internalize it? Do we know what it really means? How many of us actually allow space to experience, acknowledge and actually feeeeeel gratitude...
“I can’t” means “I don’t want to” – 5 ways to take ownership over your life
…says my grandma, which I seem to quote quite a lot. I if were to limit all my messages to the world to only one, it would be this one: you can do anything, you have unlimited power over your life and yourself and when you take ownership over this, you become unstoppable. As son as you take responsibility over what happens...
Nu exista nu pot, exista doar nu vreau – 5 moduri de a prelua fraiele vietii tale
... spune bunica mea, pe care observ ca o citez foarte des. Daca ar fi sa reduc toate mesajele mele catre tine la unul singur, ar fi acesta: tu poti sa faci orice, ai putere nelimitata asupra ta si a vietii tale, iar cand iti asumi acest lucru, devii de neoprit. In momentul cand preiei responsabilitate asupra a ceea ce ti se...
7 steps to self-love – a necessity
What does it mean to love myself? How does self-love feel like? I don’t know… Is it something innate or do I need to learn it? Do I learn it from my family, friends? Or through suffering and struggles? It’s incredible how life send me tests every time I write an article… it’s like it challenges me: “let's see, Diana, do you...
7 pasi catre iubirea de sine – pentru ca meriti
Ce inseamna sa ma iubesc pe mine? Cum se simte sa ma iubesc pe mine? Nu stiu… Te nasti cu iubirea de sine sau o inveti? O inveti de la parinti, prieteni? Prin suferinta si greutati? E incredibil cum viata ma testeaza de fiecare data cand scriu un articol… e ca si cum m-ar provoca: “ia sa vad, Diana, chiar aplici ceea...
13 habits that changed my life – which ones suit you?
Question: “Really, Diana, why would I be interested in the changes you’ve made?” Answer: “Because I strongly believe in being inspired by others. I learn mostly through and from the wonderful people around me. From each of them I receive something and then create my own tailored cocktail of habits. Even if only one habit inspires you from the 13 below:...