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Iubirea de sine miroase a levantica si ylang-ylang (5 conceptii gresite despre iubirea de sine)

De ce a levantica si ylang-ylang? Pentru ca levantica linisteste si calmeaza, iar ylang-ylang da energie. A te iubi pe tine iti ofera o combinatie de pace interioara cu vitalitate si pofta de viata. A te iubi pe tine inseamna decizii bune si inspiratie sa-ti transformi dorintele in realitate. Cand te iubesti pe tine atragi oameni spre tine, esti un exemplu...

Self-love smells like lavender & ylang-ylang (5 myths about self-love)

Why like lavender and ylang-ylang? Because the lavender calms you down and ylang-ylang gives you energy. Loving yourself gives you a combination of inner peace with vitality and joy for life. Self-love means good decisions and inspiration to transform your desires into reality. When you love yourself you are attractive, you are seen as a role-model and people seek your presence. Doesn’t...